Utah Governor Gary Herbert will address the Opening Session of the GRC Annual Meeting on Monday, October 2, and he will be joined by other special guests and energy experts.
The GRC Annual Meeting features over 70 hours of technical presentations, workshops, fieldtrips, a plenary session, networking events and more. The GRC Technical Session programs will cover a wide array of topics pertaining to geothermal energy.
Some of the workshops include; Geothermal Resource Decision Workshop (2-days); Best Practices in Operations & Maintenance (1-day); Ambassador Workshop (4-hour training program).
The GEOEXPO+ features exhibits by leading companies who are paving the way for geothermal development through new projects, products, services, and technology. The exhibit hall will be open Monday at noon through Wednesday at noon.
The Geothermal Energy Association’s (GEA) Executive Director, Karl Gawell, will commence the show on Oct. 2, 2017, with a brief welcome.
In addition, there will be joint GRC/GEA policy and market development discussion panels on topics ranging from permit streamlining and new technology developments to the growing international geothermal market.
For information: GEO EXPO+
Photo: Salt Palace Convention Center