
Welsh Government publishes new Mine Water Heat Opportunity Map

Ken Skates, Cabinet Secretary for the Economy, Transport and North Wales at the Welsh Government, has published the new Welsh Mine Water Heat Opportunity Map and accompanying technical reports, identifying former coal mines where mine water could help to provide a secure, low-carbon, source of renewable heat.
Welsh Government publishes new Mine Water Heat Opportunity Map
Courtesy of Welsh Government.

In a written statement, Mr Skates said that, where suitable, the historical underground Welsh coal mine network could offer a “renewable, secure, low carbon source of heating for buildings in coalfield areas.”

“With heating accounting for 50 percent of energy use in the Wales, mine water heat could improve the sustainability of the places where we live and work” Mr Skates said. “Mine water heat could also play a part in our necessary efforts to tackle climate change and support decarbonisation.”

The Welsh Government commissioned the Coal Authority to investigate the potential opportunity from disused Welsh mines to inform local authorities and developers with regard to potential locations for mine water heat scheme sites.

The Coal Authority work included the assessment of all known coal mine workings in Wales which might now hold water that is warmed by natural processes.

“They then designed a map, covering all local authority areas, categorising coal mine workings as “Good”, “Possible” and “Challenging” opportunities for mine water heat developments.

Additionally, they produced a map, illustrating locations where mine water is already brought to the surface via controlled gravity-driven discharges and mine water treatment schemes.  Such locations offer particularly cost-effective potential for heating schemes.

Technical reports have also been prepared  for 11 local authorities, highlighting mine heat opportunities. These will be published on the Welsh Government’s website and link to DataMapWales.

The reports provide informative, and freely accessible information and data, for developers who are interested in exploring the decarbonisation and economic opportunities offered by mine heat resources.”

The reports are part of a package of information that the Welsh Government will be publishing over coming months, combined with the Welsh Government’s wider Heat Strategy, Local Area Energy Plans, and Net Zero Wales Carbon Budgets in order to facilitate informed development decisions.

For additional information:

Welsh Government

Welsh Mine Water Heat Opportunity Map

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