
Cleanova Wins Contract for $4.5B Blue Hydrogen Manufacturing Facility

New entrant Cleanova has won the contract to supply filtration systems for a multi-billion dollar blue hydrogen manufacturing facility in Louisiana. The clean energy project will come on stream in 2026.
Cleanova Wins Contract for $4.5B Blue Hydrogen Manufacturing Facility
Large air intake application (Cleanova)

It will produce over 750 million standard cubic feet per day of blue hydrogen for pipeline customers on the US Gulf Coast and blue ammonia for global hydrogen markets.

Around 95% of the facility’s carbon dioxide emissions (over 5 million tons per year) will be captured and permanently sequestered in inland geological pore spaces in Louisiana – making it the world’s largest carbon capture for sequestration project currently in development.

Cleanova will supply a pair of three-stage filter modules to clean the intake air of the Air Separation Unit, which separates Oxygen and Nitrogen. The modules are designed to operate at a flow rate of more than 650,000 cubic metres per hour. 

The primary contractor on the project found Cleanova to offer the most technically suitable solution for the blue hydrogen manufacturing and CCS facility, having successfully installed other Cleanova filtration products.

Commenting on the contract win, Javaid Riaz, CEO of Cleanova, says: This is a significant contract win for Cleanova and demonstrates our commitment to supporting the clean energy transition through innovative filtration solutions. 

"Our team in Jaipur, India, should be congratulated for securing this work. We look forward to collaborating with the EPC contractor to ensure that we deliver exceptional filtration results.”

Established only eight months ago, Cleanova is committed to providing innovative, mission-critical filtration systems that allow customers to sustain their industrial processes and protect the environment by increasing efficiency, reducing emissions, and minimising waste.


Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
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