The pilot is essential for the development of large-scale production of green hydrogen at sea and thus for the energy transition in the Netherlands and Northwest Europe. EBN will actively participate in the consortium. EBN is already a 40% partner in the Q13a-A platform, where the pilot will take place.
PosHYdon is now approaching the final phase: the setup will be tested on land at InVesta in May 2024, and the first production of hydrogen on the platform operated by Neptune Energy is scheduled for the second half of 2024.
Michel Heijdra, Director-General for Climate and Energy at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, said, “We are on the eve of the large-scale development of the North Sea as an engine for the energy transition. Electrolysis at sea will play an important role in this. In PosHYdon, the first steps are being taken to achieve this.
"That is why the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy sees this as an essential project. EBN's participation in the consortium guarantees a sufficiently large size of the project and ensures that the lessons learned are taken into account in the future.”