
First AEM Flex 120 electrolyser delivered to ABC-Klinkergruppe to replace natural gas

Enapter AG has delivered the first model of its new AEM Flex 120 electrolyser to its customer ABC-Klinkergruppe in Hörstel, Germany, expected to be up and running by the end of year with the German brick producer planning to immediately start decarbonising its manufacturing processes.
First AEM Flex 120 electrolyser delivered to ABC-Klinkergruppe to replace natural gas
AEM Flex 120. Courtesy of Enapter AG.

The hydrogen produced with the AEM Flex 120 will be fed into the company's gas mix, replacing the natural gas it has typically used for process heat. ABC-Klinkergruppe’s plan is to gradually increase the share of hydrogen in the gas mix to 100 percent and thus become completely CO2-free.

With the AEM Flex 120, Enapter is addressing the market gap between the AEM Electrolyser EL 4 (1 kg/day) and our megawatt-scale AEM Multicore (450 kg/day). It can produce around 53 kg of hydrogen per day, corresponding to nominal power of 120 kW, with a purity of 99.999 percent (when combined with optional dryer) at an output pressure of 35 bar. The skid-mounted electrolyser is a self-contained and ready-to-use product that allows industrial companies and energy developers to quickly start producing low-cost green hydrogen.

“In numerous industries and among medium-sized enterprises, there is a growing demand for practical, energy-efficient solutions to replace fossil fuels” said Sebastian-Justus Schmidt, CEO Enapter. “Our electrolysers are highly scalable and flexible, allowing for straightforward upgrades as demand increases. This enables companies like ABC Klinkergruppe to quickly and easily enter the hydrogen economy.” 

Since the official launch of the AEM Flex 120 at the end of September 2023, Enapter has experienced very high demand and already received orders for a total of 26 units from Europe, Asia and Africa. Primary application areas of the new electrolyser will be industrial projects, hydrogen refuelling solutions for forklift, car, and bus charging stations, as well as electricity storage for peak load reduction and energy self-sufficiency. The volume of the orders amounts to approximately 7 million euros. The Enapter Group's total backlog of orders at the end of the third quarter of 2023 amounted to around EUR 27 million. 

“Our production is energy-intensive” added Christian Käsekamp, Project lead ABC-Klinkergruppe. “We have long been searching for an alternative to fossil fuels to make our operations more environmentally friendly and to become less dependent on increasingly volatile gas prices. The AEM Flex 120 now allows us to produce hydrogen quickly and cost-effectively, optimising our energy supply. I am confident that in the foreseeable future, we will achieve our goal of becoming completely carbon-neutral.”

For additional information:

Enapter AG

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