
H-Tec Systems electrolyser provides green hydrogen for IR Maxoinversiones on Fuerteventura

PEM electrolysis technology provider H-Tec Systems is to supply a 1-megawatt ME 450 PEM electrolyser for a green hydrogen project driven by the company IR Maxoinversiones on the Spanish Island of Fuerteventura.
H-Tec Systems electrolyser provides green hydrogen for IR Maxoinversiones on Fuerteventura
Courtesy of Maxo Inversiones.

The project aims to decarbonise mobility on the island, with IR Maxoinversiones, active since 2007 in the transport and distribution of fuels on the Canary Islands, promoting renewable energies with a special emphasis on green hydrogen. The company is distributing biofuels and Green H2 for mobility through a network of Public Hydrogen Refueling Stations (HRS) across the Island of Fuerteventura.

“We are proud that our technology will contribute to the energy self-sufficiency and the climate protection at the island of Fuerteventura in IR Maxoinversiones’ pioneering project” said Alexander Detke, Team Lead Sales at H-Tec Systems. “The Canaries is a region with high potential for renewable energies from solar and wind. This region is importing fossil fuels for mobility and there is a great opportunity to decarbonise with green hydrogen. The PEM electrolysis technology is particularly well suited for balancing the fluctuant nature of wind and solar energy. In addition, the high quality of the hydrogen produced by the ME450, makes it a perfect choice for this project.”

As of summer 2025, IR Maxoinversiones plans to start producing green hydrogen with the H-Tec Systems ME450 electrolyser at Puerto del Rosario, a community in Fuerteventura. The 1-megawatt electrolyser has the capacity to produce 450 kilograms of highly pure hydrogen of grade 5.0 per day, which can be directly used in fuel cell-vehicles in mobility projects or for power-to-X applications. Green hydrogen will be sold at IR Maxoinversiones' public Hydrogen Refueling Stations (HRS). Adding synergies, IR Maxoinversiones is the owner of the ‘H2GO RENT’ car rental with electric and hydrogen fuel cell cars, has its own fleet of H2 trucks and offers advisory services on energy transformation.

The energy used to produce the green hydrogen will come from wind energy as well as solar energy from a photovoltaic plant owned by IR Maxoinversiones, thus the hydrogen produced will be 100 percent green and emission-free, being an environmentally sustainable project. With the aim to decarbonise the mobility at the Canaries, IR Maxoinversiones intends to launch a complete line of hydrogen-related products and more services around renewable energies.

“At IR Maxoinversiones, we are convinced that green hydrogen will play a fundamental role in the future of the Canary Islands” added Ismael Ruiz, CEO at IR Maxoinversiones. “Our commitment is to lead the development of this technology and contribute to a more sustainable future for the islands. We have chosen the PEM electrolyser by H-Tec Systems because is a proven product, with high efficiency and availability.”

As the energy landscape evolves, through this project, IR Maxoinversiones is aiming to showcase what the energy systems of tomorrow will look like, contributing to the island's sustainability but also serving as a pioneering model of how renewable energy, particularly green hydrogen, can power entire communities.

For additional information:

H-Tec Systems

IR Maxoinversiones

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