
World Hydrogen Congress October 4-6, 2021

As COP26 approaches and the eyes of the world turn to how to meet the 2030 climate targets, The World Hydrogen Congress, the leading senior executive networking congress for the clean hydrogen sector, will gather together key players from across the entire energy ecosystem to discuss how to develop and accelerate the transition to a clean hydrogen industry.
World Hydrogen Congress October 4-6, 2021

The event from October 4-6 at the PTA Congress Centre in Amsterdam will see hydrogen professionals from across the globe connect with thought-leaders, share insights and best practice and discover the latest developments in the field. Speakers will answer a broad range of questions from tackling which market sectors will grow first to exploring how clean hydrogen can rapidly scale.

Technical questions - including how modularity can aid the engineering of hydrogen facilities, ways to reduce hydrogen costs and standardize interfaces, and how different sources are developing (green, blue, pink / nuclear, hydropower) - will be explored by hydrogen thought leaders, who will also share the latest intelligence on specific policy and legislative incentives, and de-risking clean hydrogen finance.

"The capital and political will is there but hydrogen leaders now need to work together on sector- specific incentives to stimulate demand. Ahead of COP26, The World Hydrogen Congress represents a unique opportunity to put the clean hydrogen transition on the agenda by gathering the world’s leading experts in this field”, says Founder Nadim Chaudhry

Speakers include:

 •     Paul Bogers, Vice President - Hydrogen, Shell

•     Pierre-Etienne Franc, Chief Executive Officer, FiveT Hydrogen

•     Millan Garcia-Tola, Global Director of Hydrogen, Iberdrola

•     Christian Pho-Duc, Managing Director – H2 Projects, Smartenergy

Testament to its position as a go-to event on the world stage, the event is sponsored by world leading companies including Shell, EY and Smartenergy.

Tags: Hydro , Hydrogen , COP26 , Nuclear
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