Content Editor Dan McCue is a US-based journalist who has been writing on renewable energy, science, law, environmental policy and business for several years. A multi- award winner for his work in daily and weekly newspapers in the US, Dan also has considerable experience in radio and television, having appeared as both a guest and program host in both. For more information on Dan or to view more of his articles, visit his website at https://www.danmccueauthor.com. He and his wife reside in Charleston, S.C.
Marine energy technology firm Minesto is among those leading the cheers for an EU proposal to bolster the development of tidal energy in Europe.
A new report from the International Renewable Energy Agency suggests the global renewable energy share can reach and perhaps even exceed 30 per cent by 2030 at no extra cost.
ABB has won a €146.8 million ($200 million) order to supply the electrical systems for all 36 ‘SJ 2000’ next generation high-speed trains for SJ, Sweden's state-owned rail operator.
PNE Wind AG has sold the first phase of the Calau II wind farm in Brandenburg, Germany to the Hamburg-based investment company CEE.