Content Editor Dan McCue is a US-based journalist who has been writing on renewable energy, science, law, environmental policy and business for several years. A multi- award winner for his work in daily and weekly newspapers in the US, Dan also has considerable experience in radio and television, having appeared as both a guest and program host in both. For more information on Dan or to view more of his articles, visit his website at https://www.danmccueauthor.com. He and his wife reside in Charleston, S.C.
Gray Taylor, generally considered the leading climate change attorney in Canada, has been tapped to serve as an advisor by Calyx Bio-Ventures Inc.
Availon, a multi-brand provider of WTG maintenance services, has signed a new full service contract for three wind farms in Germany with NIBC European Infrastructure Fund (NEIF).
The second annual Solar Latin America Summit will be held 9-10 December 2013 in Santiago, Chile.
A four-year agricultural residue biomass project has been launched by the Cambodian Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy, according to a report by Sarah Thust in the Phnom Penh Post.
Metso Corp. will supply Vimmerby Energi & Miljö AB (VEMAB) with a biomass-fired power plant for combined heat and power production at Tallholmen in the city of Vimmerby, Sweden.