As Louisiana looks to solar and energy storage to increase its resiliency to power outages caused by hurricanes and other extreme weather events, Yotta Energy is partnering with Louisiana-based comm...
SimpliPhi Power and Lumin have partnered to introduce an integrated solution that provides real-time analytics and dynamic controls for energy storage systems in homes and businesses. The partnership ...
La VI edición de Cleantech Camp, el programa destinado a la aceleración de la transición energética en Europa, seleccionó en mayo 15 proyectos que han seguido sus sesiones formativas. La elecció...
Fundeen es una plataforma que permite a particulares invertir en energías renovables desde 500 euros. Y su Marketplace, que abre sus puertas esta semana, es la herramienta que facilitará la comprave...
El precio medio diario de la electricidad en el mercado mayorista del día de hoy es el más elevado de todos los tiempos: 189,9 euros el megavatio hora (MWh). El anterior máximo data de hace 13 día...
As key markets increasingly move towards a merchant environment, successful renewable energy operators will need to be responsive to pricing mechanisms and tailor their operations to improve profitabi...
GE Renewable Energy has announced that it has obtained Voluntary Product Certification (VPC) in Taiwan for its FLEXINVERTER (formerly known LV5+) for utility-scale photovoltaic (PV) plants, which, wit...
Domestic production of renewable energy (i.e., biofuels, biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, wind) reached an all-time high in the first six months of this year, according to a SUN DAY Campaign an...
Som Energía ha abierto el plazo de inscripción para beneficiarse de alguna de las 50 instalaciones de autoconsumo solar que ofrecen a sus grupos locales de Málaga, Granada y Almería, a través de ...
Marine and environmental services provider Briggs Marine has taken possession of the Forth Engineer, a Damen FCS 2610 fast crew supply vessel, bringing its wholly owned fleet to a total of 40.
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