La revista EnergÃas Renovables ha recibido uno de los premios que el Club Español de la EnergÃa, en su XVIII edición, ha entregado hoy a distintos profesionales de la comunicación y la divulgaciÃ...
The popular search engine has informed that they are planning to build a 1.6 MW solar PV system, "the biggest one that a corporation site has ever seen", able to cover one third of the energ...
El famoso buscador ha informado de que va a construir un sistema solar fotovoltaico de 1,6 MW, "el más grande que haya tenido un sitio corporativo", capaz de cubrir un tercio del consumo de...
Más de un tercio de la electricidad mundial, incluyendo la de usos industriales, podrÃa provenir de manera realista de la energÃa eólica para mediados de siglo, según el informe “Perspectivas g...
London's Olympic Games in 2012 will get electricity from a giant wind turbine, 120 meters tall, which will aim to become one of the symbols of the city, according to some of the members of the Olympic...
Ecotècnia, fabricante catalán de aerogeneradores, ha conseguido un pedido para suministrar e instalar 47 máquinas de 1,67 MW de potencia, según fuentes de prensa italianas. El pedido viene de la m...
London's Olympic Games in 2012 will get electricity from a giant wind turbine, 120 meters tall, which will aim to become one of the symbols of the city, according to some of the members of the Olympic...
The Italian government is drafting a Decree to enlarge the current annual quotas applicable to PV facilities entitled to feed-in tariff, according to some Italian press sources which have quoted Mr Fa...
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