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El Encuentro Solar 2007, que organizan la Fundación Tierra y el Parque de las Ciencias, busca fomentar el uso de las energías renovables y la cultura energética a través del debate y de las demost...
Iberdrola ha anunciado un acuerdo para adquirir el 100% de la empresa eólica estadounidense CPV Wind Ventures, con sede en Silver Spring, en el estado de Maryland. La compra, aún supeditada a obtene...
Europe's solar thermal industry is booming. According to surveys conducted by the European Solar Thermal Industry Federation (ESTIF), the European market grew by 35% to more than 2.7 million m² coll...
The European Commission has published a new solar map with a detailed description of the solar PV potential in the different European geographical areas. The chart, which can be viewed online, all...
The European Commission has published a new solar map with a detailed description of the solar PV potential in the different European geographical areas. The chart, which can be viewed online, all...

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