The Ministry of Industrz, Tourism and Trade, Mr José Montilla, stated yesterday that the renewable energy retribution Decree will be revised in July "in order to adapt it to the new changing cir...
The Ministry of Industrz, Tourism and Trade, Mr José Montilla, stated yesterday that the renewable energy retribution Decree will be revised in July "in order to adapt it to the new changing cir...
La Asociación Empresarial Eólica (AEE) se ha dirigido a la Comisión Nacional de la Energía (CNE) para pedir medidas que incrementen la libertad de contratación en el mercado y su funcionamiento m...
The solar-grade silicon scarcity situation, which is slowing down the potential PV groth rate at global level, will start to be lessened in 2008 due to the capacity expansion plans expected, according...
El ministro de Industria, Turismo y Comercio, José Montilla, afirmó ayer que su departamento prevé modificar el decreto sobre la retribución de las energías renovables en el mes de julio para “...
La planta de Babilafuente, en Salamanca, que empezó a funcionar el pasado mes de abril espera alcanzar el 100% de su capacidad en unos dos meses, mientras ajusta y optimiza el proceso de producción....
Investigadores de la Universidad de Illinois (EE.UU.) han desarrollado una nueva tecnología para transformar los purines de los cerdos en biocarburantes. Ahora trabajan en la creación de una planta ...
The solar-grade silicon scarcity situation, which is slowing down the potential PV groth rate at global level, will start to be lessened in 2008 due to the capacity expansion plans expected, according...
The solar PV industry grew by 55% in 2005 from the year before, according to a report published by Clean Edge, an American research firm. The total industry value is estimated to be 11.2 billion euros...
The solar PV industry grew by 55% in 2005 from the year before, according to a report published by Clean Edge, an American research firm. The total industry value is estimated to be 11.2 billion euros...
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