Solvay has successfully commissioned a 1 MW industrial demonstration fuel cell at the SolVin plant in Lillo, Antwerp, Belgium.
Solvay has successfully commissioned a 1 MW industrial demonstration fuel cell at the SolVin plant in Lillo, Antwerp, Belgium.
Alta Devices' most recent solar panel has been verified by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) at 23.5 percent efficiency.
Abengoa and JGC Corporation (JGC) have brought Solacor 1, their first joint thermal solar plant, located at the El Carpio Solar Complex in Córdoba (Spain) online.
Like the best of break-troughs, it sounds both crazy and imminently practical at the same time.
Germany’s Conergy SAS has completed installation of 6.1 MW ofPV capacity on three rooftop sites in France in collaboration with local project partner Soligest.
France’s GDF SUEZ is developing two new wind farms in Eastern Europe, a 48 MW facility in Romania and a 51 MW facility in Poland.