The UK wind industry received a vote of confidence yesterday (6th July 2016) with two of its largest players agreeing to co-operate on potential supply contracts.
State Bank of India (SBI) has signed an agreement with the World Bank for a $625 million facility aimed at expanding rooftop solar PV installation across India.
Siemens has added another turbine to its offshore direct drive portfolio, the SWT-8.0-154, the first of which will be installed in early 2017.
Green Gas Trading Ltd (GGT) has announced that Ecotricity is the latest company to sign-up to their Biomethane Certification Scheme (BMCS).
The solar industry is calling for intervention from Ministers in order to avoid a crippling tax hike on commercial rooftop solar installations of between six and eight times as of April next year.
Pattern Energy Group has announced its intention to acquire interests in the 324 MW Broadview wind farm in New Mexico as well as associated transmission infrastructure.
Alaska Power & Telephone has been awarded $3 million by the US Department of Agriculture to construct a 1.8 MW wind farm near the community of Tok, Alaska.