CarConnect, a pioneering project to help the electricity industry better understand how plug-in electric vehicles (PIVs) charge at home in harmony with the electricity grid, is now underway in the UK
CarConnect, a pioneering project to help the electricity industry better understand how plug-in electric vehicles (PIVs) charge at home in harmony with the electricity grid, is now underway in the UK
PlanET Biogas UK Ltd has strengthened its market position after the commissioning of two recently accomplished biogas plants for Asgard Renewables Ltd.
The Solar Trade Assocation (STC) have got together with PwC to launch an online survey aimed at assessing the status of the UK solar industry following major changes to the policy framework
Scotrenewables Tidal Power has launched its 2 MW SR2000, the world’s largest tidal turbine
Three years after Nissan introduced electric vehicles (EVs) and battery manufacturing to Europe, the 50,000th European-built Nissan LEAF has rolled off the production line in Sunderland, UK
Push Energy and Buzzflyer have joined forces to form Above Surveying Ltd, a brand new aerial thermographic inspection service company specialising in solar PV
The innovator of sodium-ion battery technology, Faradion, in partnership with AGM Batteries, has been awarded funding to develop its pioneering battery technology for electric vehicles
Renewable energy could provide nearly half of the energy used to heat Europe’s homes by 2040 according to a new study by IHS Energy
According to a new report by Ernst & Young (EY), interest in the UK with regard to investment in renewable energy has fallen to an all time low