The scrapping of the Zero Carbon Homes policy by the UK government last year has left a policy vacuum that urgently needs to be addressed, says the Solar Trade Association (STA).
The scrapping of the Zero Carbon Homes policy by the UK government last year has left a policy vacuum that urgently needs to be addressed, says the Solar Trade Association (STA).
Wind energy developer Gamesa has won three new orders for wind energy projects in India, helping the company to consolidate its presence in the country.
Renewable energy developer Dulas has announced the completion of work on the second phase of a 2.5 MW solar project for Welsh Water.
A state of the art Energy Recovery Facility (ERF) has just been installed in the UK city of Peterborough and is now operational, saving the city £1 million per year.
A new report published by the World Energy Council (WEC) is calling for the true value of energy storage to be recognised by taking into account both its cost and revenue benefits.
Brazilian wind energy developer PEC Energia has deployed Vaisala’s Triton Wind Profiler remote sensing system for crucial wind measurement data.
The prototype of a high energy density battery for EVs has been unveiled by Samsung SDI at the 2016 North American International Auto Show in Detroit.
Up to $220 million of funding has been announced by the US Department of Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz to help modernise the US national grid.
British energy company TRAC International Group has introduced its TRAC advantEDGE solution to help prevent turbine blade leading edge erosion thereby reducing maintenance costs.