
GreenPowerMonitor introduces Energy Management System for enhanced renewable power plant control

GreenPowerMonitor (GPM) has launched an advanced Energy Management System (EMS) designed specifically for renewable power plants to increase renewable energy capacity.
GreenPowerMonitor introduces Energy Management System for enhanced renewable power plant control
Courtesy of GreenPowerMonitor.

According to DNV's 2023 Energy Transition Outlook, renewable energy's share of the global energy mix is projected to soar from the current 20 percent to 52 percent by 2050. This year alone, renewable energy capacity saw a remarkable boost, with an additional 507 gigawatts (GW) added - an impressive 50 percent increase from the previous year.

The new Energy Management System has been designed to support this booming growth, equipping site operators with advanced tools for automated power plant control. By utilising multiple schedules provided by operators, it enhances operational flexibility and automation. The system’s ability to automatically generate active power dispatch schedules based on weather forecasts ensures optimal power output throughout the entire optimisation period. This feature not only boosts efficiency but also unlocks new market opportunities, allowing users to participate in different energy markets with an optimised dispatch schedule.

Besides day-ahead dispatch schedules integrating changes in weather and price forecasts, GPM’s Energy Management System continuously adapts in real-time to other updates from various factors affecting plant behavior, including high-priority dispatches from transmission system operators and unexpected events such as equipment maintenance or malfunctions, automatically adjusting and adapting its operations to the various situations a renewable power plant encounters over time.

Designed for seamless integration, the EMS can be deployed alongside existing GPM solutions, such as GPM SCADA, GPM Power Plant Controller (PPC), and GPM Hybrid Power Plant Controller (HPPC). This compatibility ensures that operators of photovoltaic (PV), wind, or hybrid power plants can readily adopt EMS to enhance their current systems.

“This is just the beginning of our journey to maximise the potential of renewable power plants and drive progress in the sector” said Juan-Carlos Arévalo, CEO of GreenPowerMonitor, highlighting the importance of the new Energy Management System (EMS) for renewable power plants.

For additional information:

GreenPowerMonitor (GPM)

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