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Friday, 06 December 2024 Newsletter
Renewable energy magazine

Rapid Rise of BESS Tech Leaves Developers, Regulators and AHJs Out of Sync

Rapid Rise of BESS Tech Leaves Developers, Regulators and AHJs Out of Sync

The pace of innovation within Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) technology has led to a growing divide between developers, regulators and Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) according to Firetrace International, the leading supplier of fire suppression technology to the global renewable industry.

egg Scores With Sheffield United FC Partnership

egg Scores With Sheffield United FC Partnership

Clean energy provider egg, has announced an exciting new partnership with Sheffield United FC. This two-year agreement, which names egg an Official Partner of the Club, highlights egg’s strategy to grow its national presence through sport, while supporting the Blades’ sustainability ambitions both on and off the pitch.

City in Massachusetts launches solar-powered microgrid project

City in Massachusetts launches solar-powered microgrid project

The City of Chelsea in the US state of Massachusetts has launched a solar-powered, cloud-based microgrid project, the first phase of which began on 2nd December involving a three-day installation of hundreds of solar panels on the City Yard building.


Northern Ireland Project Set To Overhaul The Global Maritime Industry

Northern Ireland Project Set To Overhaul The Global Maritime Industry

Net zero shipping corridors can become a reality thanks to a scalable green fuel, maritime experts have heard at an industry event in Antrim. Maritime Power-to-X, a leading industry consortium led by Larne-based B9 Energy Storage, is exploring how fully scalable green methanol can be used as a zero-emission fuel for the global maritime industry.


UK second-hand EV sales increase by 311 percent after record-breaking year

UK second-hand EV sales increase by 311 percent after record-breaking year

UK EV seller cinch has released new data revealing a huge 311 percent increase in used EV sales between July 2023 and September 2024, signalling a shift in consumer car choice.

EV business drivers are out of pocket when relying on UK Government reimbursement rates

Altilium commences activity at new EV battery recycling plant

Energy saving

UK smart meter network to be upgraded to 4G connectivity

UK smart meter network to be upgraded to 4G connectivity

The Data Communications Company (DCC), which is responsible for overseeing and managing the UK’s smart meter network and rollout, is collaborating with Vodafone, Toshiba, Accenture, CGI and Deloitte to upgrade the smart meter network with a cost-efficient 4G Communications Hub solution so that homes and small businesses continue to benefit from smart metering as 2G/3G is phased out by the end of 2033.


Quaise Energy and Nevada Gold Mines Partner on Deep Geothermal Pilot Plant

Quaise Energy and Nevada Gold Mines Partner on Deep Geothermal Pilot Plant

Quaise Energy, Inc.  and the Barrick-operated Nevada Gold Mines, a joint venture with Newmont Corporation, are exploring additional decarbonization of NGM’s TS Power Plant by using geothermal heat from NGM’s land and subsurface holdings to hybridize on-site power generation.


RES signs new agreement with Prime Capital for production of sustainable aviation fuel

RES signs new agreement with Prime Capital for production of sustainable aviation fuel

Independent renewable energy company RES has signed an agreement with the independent asset manager and financial services provider Prime Capital AG for the Alby hydrogen plant in Ånge municipality, Sweden.

Jane Marsh

The Pros and Cons of Space-Based Solar Power

The Pros and Cons of Space-Based Solar Power

Space-based solar power (SBSP) is an innovative concept with the potential to redefine global energy generation. It offers advantages over traditional terrestrial solar energy systems by harvesting power in space and transmitting it to Earth. However, it also presents significant challenges that must be carefully considered.


Mega Heat Pump Delivers First Heat in Esbjerg

Mega Heat Pump Delivers First Heat in Esbjerg

MAN Energy Solutions has successfully commissioned the first unit of its industrial-scale heat pump in Esbjerg, Denmark, marking the delivery of its first heat. Operated by multi-utility company DIN Forsyning, the new heat pump plant will supply approximately 280,000 MWh of climate-neutral heat annually to the district heating networks of Esbjerg and the neighboring town Varde.

Aberdeen expertise powers European project to drive forward energy transition technology

RESPONDENT Project’s Online Workshop on Power Generation Forecasting

NextSTEP invests £490,000 in UK clean energy startups


New York Gov. Hochul Announces Contracts For 23 Renewable Energy Projects

New York Gov. Hochul Announces Contracts For 23 Renewable Energy Projects

Gov. Kathy Hochul announced that contracts have been executed for 23 large-scale land-based renewable energy projects that will provide more than 2.3 gigawatts of clean energy, which is enough to power more than 700,000 homes throughout New York State.

Bangladesh Power Development Board can save $1.2 billion through electricity sector reforms


SolarEdge Appoints Shuki Nir as Chief Executive Officer

SolarEdge Appoints Shuki Nir as Chief Executive Officer

SolarEdge Technologies, Inc., a global leader in smart energy technology, announced the appointment of Shuki Nir as the Company’s new Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately. Nir, who has served as SolarEdge’s CMO since June 2024, will succeed Ronen Faier, who has served as the Company’s Interim CEO since August 2024. 

GreenGo announces the approval of first Italian agri-voltaic projects


EnerVenue provides RWE with long-duration energy storage vessels for pilot project

EnerVenue provides RWE with long-duration energy storage vessels for pilot project

EnerVenue, currently pioneering the commercial deployment of high-efficiency metal-hydrogen batteries capable of more than 30,000 cycles, has announced that RWE has purchased EnerVenue Energy Storage Vessels (ESVs) for performance testing in a renewable energy pilot project.

Pacific Green expands its Australian footprint into NSW with strategic land acquisition


ScottishPower selects Great Yarmouth as the pre-assembly port for East Anglia TWO offshore wind farm

ScottishPower selects Great Yarmouth as the pre-assembly port for East Anglia TWO offshore wind farm

Peel Ports Great Yarmouth will be used for the pre-assembly and load-out of the turbines for ScottishPower Renewables £4 billion East Anglia TWO offshore windfarm with the two companies signing a reservation agreement that will see the the Siemens Gamesa turbine components and sections come together for assembly before installation in the southern North Sea in 2028.


Energy Storage Summit 2025

Energy Storage Summit 2025

InterSolar & Energy Storage North America

17 th Solar PV & Energy Storage World Expo

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Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
El jurado de la feria ees (la gran feria europea de las baterías y los sistemas acumuladores de energía) ya ha seleccionado los productos y soluciones innovadoras que aspiran, como finalistas, al gran premio ees 2021. Independientemente de cuál o cuáles sean las candidaturas ganadoras, la sola inclusión en este exquisito grupo VIP constituye todo un éxito para las empresas. A continuación, los diez finalistas 2021 de los ees Award (ees es una de las cuatro ferias que integran el gran evento anual europeo del sector de la energía, The smarter E).