Hydrogen market overview 2024 – Driving the shift from hype to reality

Energías Renovables
LRQA-Inside Inspection February 2024


The number of hydrogen projects projected to be completed by 2040 continues to grow at a significant rate. However, despite these forecasts, the number of projects reaching a final investment decision is comparatively very low, with even less reaching construction.

Join our expert speakers on Wednesday March 13 at 9am CST for a live webinar where they’ll break down the latest hydrogen market statistics from the International Energy Agency (IEA), deliver insights into the market outlook and the factors causing the gap between demand and delivery including:

  • Market instability fuelled by a shifting regulatory landscape and the infrastructure challenges of delivering hydrogen to end users
  • The role of the supply chain
  • Access to technical expertise
  • The continual need for education and innovation throughout the hydrogen industry

There will also be an opportunity to ask the speakers any questions you may have during a live Q&A session.

Register here

Will a net zero future be powered by hydrogen?

With increased urgency around climate change, there is a spotlight around the need to transition to more sustainable energy sources. Hydrogen has been identified as one of the key resources at the center of this transition. Download our guide to learn more about hydrogen and its role in the journey to a net-zero future. ​​​​​Download Guide >

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Reduce your carbon footprint with ISO 14061-1 training

If you are tasked with reporting on and reducing your organization's carbon footprint, LRQA's ISO 14064-1 training can help you achieve your sustainability goals. The ISO 14060 family provides clarity and consistency for quantifying, monitoring, reporting and validating/verifying GHG emissions and removals, to support sustainable development through a low- carbon economy and to benefit organizations as well as other interested parties worldwide.

Register your interest in one of our training courses today: 


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