Europe “Sustained strong growth in renewable energy” contributes to fall in emissions Greenhouse gas emissions decreased very sharply in 2009, by 7.1 % in the EU-27 and 6.9 % in the EU-15. These most recent results, compiled by the European Environment Agency (EEA), confirm estimates made by the same agency last year. This decrease was largely the result of the economic recession of 2009, but also sustained strong growth in renewable energy. | REM blogs Six expert bloggers and counting Back in May, Renewable Energy Magazine opened its new blog section, providing a space for experts from around the world to comment on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the clean tech space. We now have six experts on board covering everything from project finance and skills gaps to NIMBYism and the ins and outs of starting up a renewables company. | Biofuels Spain Biodiesel kicks off trade war with Argentina Brazil New biofuel and bioelectricity joint venture to be launched European motorists find no problems using E10 biofuel in their cars Biomass US asks farmers to grow hybrid grass for energy independence Europe Large biomass potential not being realised, says European Climate Foundation, WWF Bioenergy will see six-fold increase in its share of global primary energy in 2050 Panorama New publication guides decision-makers in off-grid renewables Clean tech will be third largest sector in the world in 2020 Rex Zietsman KISS - the guiding principle in rural electrification using gasification Agenda 2nd Annual European Bioenergy Conference and Exhibition Renewable Energy in the Public Sector |