IRENA moves forward on several fronts At the beginning of July, we reported that the International Renewable Energy Association (IRENA) had finally started making headway with its activities, albeit slowly. Now however, it appears that the entry of its new Director General, Adnan Z. Amin, has given the Agency the kick-start it needed to begin its work in earnest. New pilot renewable energy readiness assessments, a renewable energy database, and partnerships with several leading renewables associations are all underway. | United Kingdom Sweeping changes to ROCs proposed across England, Scotland and N. Ireland This month, the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) in London announced its proposals for the Renewable Obligation review meaning changes to the number of tradable Renewable Obligation Certificates (ROCs) available across the range of renewable technologies and projects. The proposals will affect the renewables sector across the UK, as we found out from players in Scotland and Northern Ireland. | Biofuels Europe Taking a look at sustainability certification for biofuels Europe Ethanol industry fights back against "unfair" US imports France Germans and French bring algal biofuel to Indian Ocean Uruguay $120 million for Abengoa to build bioethanol plant in South America Biogas Australia First milk now beer: bioenergy cuts energy costs by 15% Turning dairy waste to profit Biomass Canada Biomass power with a French accent US $165 million biomass-fired plant earmarked for heart of oil country Panorama Africa African Clean Tech Association launched Wake-up call for fossil fuels as true costs calculated, subsidy cuts urged Ritesh Pothan Renewable energy – is it working for India? Agenda Renexpo South-East Europe International Conference “Only Sustainable” |