Fossil fuels still providing 78 percent of world energy in 2035, says EIA The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) has released its International Energy Outlook for 2011 (IEO2011), which presents updated projections for world energy markets through 2035. According to their findings, world energy use is set to increase by 53 percent by 2035; with China and India accounting for half of the total growth. While renewable energy is projected to be the fastest growing source of primary energy over the next 25 years, fossil fuels will continue to dominate the energy panorama. | $48 billion per year needed to provide energy for all by 2030 says IEA The International Energy Agency (IEA) has published the WEO-2011 special excerpt, "Energy for all: Financing access for the poor". The special report tackles the critical issue of financing the delivery of universal modern energy access and was released this week at high-level international conference on financing energy access hosted by the government of Norway in co-operation with the IEA. The Conference was attended by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, IEA Executive Director Maria van der Hoeven, Heads of State and Ministers, as well as private sector and civil society organisations. | PV US PV market takes a body blow but stays standing England World’s largest solar bridge begins to take shape Taiwan PV cell production ramps up across Asia New solar report sees sharp contraction of European market, followed by stable long-term growth Solar Thermal Electric Solar thermal electricity goes global CSP Today two-part guide to South Africa South Africa must overcome local hurdles to grow CSP Solar Millennium cashes out of US power plant investments Spain Gemasolar: a jewel in Spain’s crown Panorama New record in website traffic Renewable Energy Magazine reaches 63,660 unique visitors in September Report: Energy storage, solar, lead 3Q venture investments Head of US Energy Dept. loan guarantee program resigns Richard Crume US US Solar Decathlon – The Real Story Agenda 1st International Workshop on Integration of Solar Power into Power Systems ESTEC 2011 CEP Clean Energy & Passive House EXPO |