Facebook announces 25% renewable energy goal by 2015 The social networking company Facebook has published its 2011 energy and carbon footprint data and announced a 2015 goal of powering 25% of the platform with renewable energy. The company declares that it has chosen to release this data because it believes in “the power of openness”, and because it hopes that “adding another data point to our collective understanding of our industry’s environmental impact will help us all keep improving”. | United States NREL study reveals state-by-state renewable energy potential A new study of renewable energy’s technical potential finds that every state in the US has the space and resource to generate clean energy. The US Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory produced the study, US RE Technical Potential, which looks at available renewable resources in each state. | Panorama United Kingdom Renewable energy specialists highlight growing energy needs Nearly a quarter of European renewable energy firms ripe for takeover, study finds Biofuels Europe Biofuel consumption growth wanes in Europe Biogas United Kingdom EU funding allocated to train up employees in biogas sector Biomass United Kingdom Understanding renewables banding vital to success Miscellaneous Hydrogen technologies are coming of age United Kingdom Isle of Wight to boast hydrogen project in push towards energy self-sufficiency Agenda Advanced Project Management for Energy Industry Bioenergy from Forest 2012 |