University wins $1.2 million grant for bio-fuel project Kevin McCluskey, curator of the Fungal Genetics Stock Center at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and a research professor at the School of Biological Sciences, has won a $1.2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy Joint BioEnergy Institute. | Panorama IRENA, CENER sign collaboration agreement Acciona wins contract to build Fortaleza metro in Brazil New market study finds Brazil leads the BRIC nations in renewables revenues Electric/Hybrid Volvo develops lightweight energy storage components for EVs Energy saving IEA unveils new report examining global energy efficiency Siemens and Accenture to collaborate on smart grid development PV France Financing agreement signed for French solar energy centre Nearly half a million UK homes now solar powered Coenergia S.r.l. and Innotech Solar launch new partnership India Tata Power commissions 10MW Indian solar power plant Rwanda German Development Co-operation (GIZ) to help provide solar energy to Rwanda Solar Thermal Electric Abengoa to develop a 100 MW solar plant in South Africa Conference to highlight benefits of big and small scale CSP plants Wind Ireland Irish utility launches 2GW wind energy export business Ethiopia Africa’s largest wind farm now operating and generating electricity John Laing achieves financial close on Northamptonshire onshore wind farm Spain New Spanish study shows that wind energy is very effective at cutting CO2 emissions South Africa Construction of South African wind farm begins with sod turning ceremony Agenda Seminario Bioenergía, un modelo para armar |