Renewable Energy Magazine-Solar newsletter

Wednesday, 13 November 2013 Newsletter
Middle East’s largest solar power group endorses Dubai’s Expo 2020 bid Middle East’s largest solar power group endorses Dubai’s Expo 2020 bid
The Board of Directors of the Middle East Solar Industry Association endorsed the UAE’s bid to host Expo 2020 in Dubai.
Solar provider in landmark African charity bid Solar provider in landmark African charity bid
A charity and a thriving solar business are seeking to light up the lives of schoolchildren in Malawi with the aim of providing power to 15,000 people and creating the first solar powered community in Africa.
Financing agreement signed for French solar energy centre

The IPVF project aims to improve existing solar technologies and develop new concepts and construction of the new centre will begin in 2014

Nearly half a million UK homes now solar powered

Coenergia S.r.l. and Innotech Solar launch new partnership 

Solar Thermal Electric

Abengoa to develop a 100 MW solar plant in South Africa

Al Maiorino

A Growing Threat to Germany’s Renewable Energy Revolution 


REDT wins energy storage funding

IEA publishes detailed country-by-country analysis of carbon dioxide emissions

Stanford engineers develop fuel cell that delivers performance at record low temperatures

REA backs Energy Bill amendments for independent generators, energy storage and banning landfilling of organic waste

Brazil energy auction to feature 3.5GW of solar and 16.42GW of wind power


Siemens adds additional turbines to Norderhof wind farm 

Scottish Renewables publishes standards for new onshore wind farms

Warren Buffett's MidAmerican Energy begins $1.9 billion wind power project

Irish utility launches 2GW wind energy export business

Africa’s largest wind farm now operating and generating electricity


Taiwan's ITRI honored for biofuel, tech research at R&D 100 Awards 

Crafting a better enzyme cocktail to turn plants into fuel faster

Ceres and Syngenta extend bio-fuel efforts in Brazil


USDA Invests in Research to Convert Beetle-Killed Trees into Renewable Energy

Energy saving

Clean Energy Congress 2.0 wraps up in US


SEE Solar - South-East European Solar PV & Thermal Exhibition

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Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
El jurado de la feria ees (la gran feria europea de las baterías y los sistemas acumuladores de energía) ya ha seleccionado los productos y soluciones innovadoras que aspiran, como finalistas, al gran premio ees 2021. Independientemente de cuál o cuáles sean las candidaturas ganadoras, la sola inclusión en este exquisito grupo VIP constituye todo un éxito para las empresas. A continuación, los diez finalistas 2021 de los ees Award (ees es una de las cuatro ferias que integran el gran evento anual europeo del sector de la energía, The smarter E).