ocean energy


Brittany unveils study demonstrating its tidal power potential

The results of the study of Brittany’s tidal power resources commissioned from two Breton companies in spring 2023 have been unveiled this week at Seanergy on the Bretagne Ocean Power stand.
Brittany unveils study demonstrating its tidal power potential

At the end of 2023, Brittany formalised its support for the tidal turbine industry by joining Ocean Energy Europe, the world's largest network of ocean energy professionals (manufacturers, researchers and local authorities). To step up the development of tidal power along its 2,470 km coastline, in spring 2023 the Brittany Region commissioned a study of its tidal power potential from two Breton companies :  Actimar and DynamOcean. The results were released this week, on Wednesday at 2pm.

The study highlights a potential of around 500 MW for commercial farms in three areas : in the Fromveur, as well as two new areas to the west of the island of Ushant and in the Raz de Sein.These sites have the potential to support current oceanic tidal turbine technologies, which require high current speeds. These areas complement the potential of the Raz Blanchard, one of Europe's most energetic sites.

The study also identified new areas in Brittany, this time off Bréhat, with intermediate current speeds. These will be particularly suitable for new tidal turbine technologies, and will be the subject of further investigations.

The measurement campaign and numerical modeling were carried out during the summer of 2023 by Actimar, specialised in oceanographic studies and impact analysis for project sizing and design, and DynamOcean, a physical oceanography consultancy. Based in Brest and Lannion respectively, both are involved in offshore renewables projects in France and abroad (Indonesia, Norway, Scotland, Netherlands, etc.).

With high-potential sites like the Fromveur, a sea pass between the Molène archipelago and the island of Ushant, Brittany has been supporting the development of tidal turbine technology for several years. Back in 2016, its roadmap for the development of offshore wind and marine energy called for the installation of 500 MW of tidal power by 2030. The turbines of the Flowatt tidal turbine pilot farm, located in Normandy's Raz Blanchard, have been tested and validated at Brittany's Paimpol-Bréhat test site.

Following the government's announcement last July of a 75 million euro investment in the Flowatt project, industry professionals and the supportive Brittany Region are awaiting the inclusion of tidal power in the government's new multi-year energy plan (PPE).

Brittany already has :

Two tidal turbine test sites: in ria d'Etel (Morbihan) for small-scale tidal turbines, and on the Paimpol-Bréhat site (Côtes d'Armor) for ocean tidal turbines, connected to the grid and dedicated to scale 1 turbines.

More than 190 companies with the know-how to support the development of marine energy projects across the entire value chain, listed in a dedicated directory.

Ports close to test sites meeting the needs of the offshore renewables industry.

A major research and development ecosystem for ocean energy around the Brest-Iroise technology park, including the headquarters of the national institute France Energies Marines.

Thanks to this new study, the Brittany region now has more precise, up-to-date data on the tidal potential of its territory. These data can now be made available to industrialists interested in exploiting these sites.

For additional information:

Bretagne Ocean Power

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