The MV FlatHolm, Coastlines Surveys fully equipped survey vessel, was deployed from its base in Lowestoft and stationed in Newlyn Harbour, Cornwall, for the duration of the contract along with its full time crew and an in-house team of specialist hydrographic surveyors and geophysicists. The work was split into three phases incorporating a Geotechnical investigation, a full cable length bathymetric survey and ROV operations including visual and cable burial surveys.
A complete bathymetric survey was conducted of the entire cable route to establish seabed and asset conditions. This was carried out with a high resolution multi-beam echo sounder together with a Klein 4200 duel frequency Side Scan Sonar.
Wave Hub is a grid-connected offshore facility in South West England for the large scale testing of wave generation technologies. It is situated about 10 nautical miles offshore and is designed to help companies developing new wave energy devices.
The UK has some of the largest wave and tidal energy resources in Europe which could potentially generate up to one sixth of the UK’s electricity consumption.
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