ocean energy

Eco Wave Power and Queen Mary University of London Awarded Grant 

Global wave energy developer Eco Wave Power and the UK Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) have announced the approval of a grant by the Wohl Clean Growth Alliance. The grant has been awarded to the parties with the goal of promoting and facilitating the establishment of a long-term research collaboration between Professor Guang Li and Dr. Kamyar Mehran from Queen Mary University of London, and Eco Wave Power’s engineering team.
Eco Wave Power and Queen Mary University of London Awarded Grant 
Inna Braverman, Professor Guang Li and Dr. Kamyar Mehran. Courtesy of QMUL.

The research collaboration will focus on further development and improvement of the control system for the Eco Wave Power wave energy convertor, to enable a faster commercial rollout of the EWP technology. 

As part of this new collaboration, the parties will visit each other’s operational and research facilities, including visits by Professor Li and Dr. Mehran to Eco Wave Power’s wave energy convertors in Israel and Gibraltar and a visit by Eco Wave Power’s team to Queen Mary University of London. In addition, the grant shall be used for the organisation of an international conference and dedicated technical workshops with stakeholders from Israel and the UK. The grant size is £20,000 (approximately SEK 238,222).

“This grant from the Wohl Clean Growth Alliance is the second grant approval notice that we have received this month, with the first one being the 178,500 Euro grant from the EU as part of the ILIAD Consortium” said Inna Braverman, Founder and CEO of Eco Wave Power. “We see this as a vote of confidence in Eco Wave Power and our pioneering technology and look forward to a productive collaboration with  the team from Queen Mary University of London, which holds significant expertise in marine energy control systems and power and control system engineering.”

“We are grateful for the Wohl Clean Growth Alliance for their vote of confidence and are very excited to commence the collaboration with Eco Wave Power, which is positioned as one of the leading companies in the wave energy sector” added Professor Guang Li and Dr. Kamyar Mehran. “We believe that our collaboration will yield significant knowledge and scientific progress, which shall contribute to the commercialization of the wave energy sector”.

Kate Goldberg, CEO of the Wohl Legacy Foundation congratulated both parties on the grant approval.

“We believe that Eco Wave Power and the University of Queen Mary will serve as an example of a productive collaboration between a scientific and a commercial entity, while also reinforcing the relations between leading Israeli and UK entities” Ms Goldberg said.

For additional information:

Eco Wave Power

Queen Mary University of London (QMUL)

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