ocean energy

FlowEngine: “Revolutionary, twice as efficient, and inexpensive”

This is how PIPS, a green engineering company, has described its latest technology: the FlowEngine, an electrical generator producing low cost power from both wind and water.

FlowEngine's power generating vanes rotate in opposite directions with the "returning" vanes automatically folding to lie completely down on their return. According to PIPS, this unique and simple concept virtually eliminates all differential rotating resistance and back pressure. The available rotating power torque to the generator is close to a 100% utilisation of flow swept area making the design very energy efficient. "This setup produces maximum generating power and in fact produces double power for each square meter of swept area - that's far more useable power than conventional "inefficient turbines" are able to produce" explains Dr. Anatoly Arov, Managing Director of PIPS and inventor of the FlowEngine.

The power rotors are designed with the active flow power vanes facing each other and since they fold and lie flat the impeller power vanes do not contact each other even though they turn counterclockwise! In practice, FlowEngines work best with 4 or even 8 vanes per rotor with each rotor turning in opposite directions.

The FlowEngine allows efficient power generation even at low flow speeds such as when harvesting energy from tides or waves. In these applications FlowEngines is configured in a horizontal sideways orientation mounted on a fixed structure in the water. The vertical configuration of the FlowEngine is particularly suited to wind farms and residential rooftop installations. Importantly, since the power vanes turn at a low RPM and higher torque no effect on marine life is expected nor will silt affect its operation.

There is no need for repositioning when flow direction changes, such as with reversing water flows like waves and tides, power is constantly generated. As with any source of electrical power generation the FlowEngine provides direct power for charging batteries/light/heat/A/C or it can be directly connected to the local power grid.

PIPS (Canadian Productivity Improvement and Problem Solving Company) is pending a patent for FlowEngine from the Canadian authorities. It is also hoping to identify manufacturing partners interested in all its energy-saving devices and wind/water engines. PIPS is involved in generating interest in water static pressure utilisation as a new energy source and in applying gases static pressure for eco vehicles.

It is currently looking for new partners, particularly companies already selling energy efficiency devices and hydro utilities in the field of ocean/river energy, to help with R&D, testing for pilot projects; co-manufacturing and licensing; and partnerships with installers.

To find out more, ask inventor Dr. Anatoly Arov via pips.arov@bellnet.ca or by phone 1 (416) 750-7395 Toronto (Canada)


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Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
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