"After exhaustive research, World Energy Research, which specialises in the development and commercialization of green energy technology, found several companies capable of producing small amounts of energy, but none on the scale of Blue Energy's Davis Tidal Turbine, which was developed specifically to harness tidal power on a large scale," explained Chad Willis, managing director of World Energy Research.
Recently, tidal power has been generating more and more interest in renewable energy developments. As seawater is over 800 times denser than air, tides offer higher resource energy densities, greater extraction efficiencies and power outputs than wind turbines. Furthermore, the availability of wind power can be hard to predict and irregular, whereas tidal power turbines such as those developed by Blue Energy Canada provide a source of energy that is predictable for years to come as the movement of the tides are constant.
"The Blue Energy vertical-axis turbine represents two decades of Canadian research and development, which generates an inexpensive, non-exhaustible source of environmentally-safe electricity to power the world's energy needs," said Martin Burger, Blue Energy Canada's CEO.
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