La gama del Peugeot E-208 baja 1.000 euros sus precios, excepto el acabado Style que resta 500 euros a su tarifa del año pasado. El SUV Peugeot E-2008, fabricado en Vigo, se beneficia de una reducciÃ...
Un reciente estudio de la Unidad de Análisis de Sistemas de IMDEA EnergÃas, en colaboración con Innovation Tree (iTree) y Talgo, ha analizado la viabilidad ambiental de piezas de tren fabricadas co...
UK-based clean technology group Altilium has announced a new partnership with major chemicals company Helm AG, through its UK subsidiary LevertonHelm Ltd, aimed at developing a domestic supply chain f...
El software de la nueva versión web del Kostal Solar Plan ha sido rediseñado con la integración de Google Maps y una base de datos mundial con información meteorológica y de irradiación que perm...
Construction is entering a new era of innovation in 2025. Many of these technologies and inventions were teased in the last couple of years, but this could be the time for them to become common practi...
Three innovative companies have been awarded funding by the West of Orkney Windfarm through EMEC’s Offshore Wind R&I Programme. The £1 million R&I programme, delivered by EMEC and sponsore...
Prevalon Energy has secured a contract with Idaho Power for a second Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) project, including a comprehensive long-term service agreement.
ENGIE has announced the expansion of its flagship wind farm project located on the shores of the Gulf of Suez, in Ras Ghareb, Egypt, which is currently under construction. This project, the largest in...
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