
CCE and CCEF release results of 2021 Alabama Clean Energy poll

Conservatives for Clean Energy (CCE) and Conservatives for a Clean Energy Future (CCEF) have released the results of a public opinion survey that shows strong support for clean energy by Alabama voters.
CCE and CCEF release results of 2021 Alabama Clean Energy poll

The survey, jointly commissioned by CCE and CCEF, and conducted by Public Opinion Strategies, demonstrates high levels of support for renewable energy among all Alabama voters, regardless of ideological affiliation.

“The findings of this survey are in step with survey results nationally and in other red and purple states over the past half-decade” said Mark Pischea, president and CEO of CCEF. “While Alabamians rightly reject the big-government Green New Deal, we found that 81 percent of voters do support clean energy development driven by free market forces.”

A summary of the key findings of the poll have been included in a memorandum.

Voters want Alabama to place more emphasis on renewable energy (62 percent). They want candidates to share their opinions on energy issues (82 percent) and power companies to offer more clean energy sources . (87 percent). Alabamians also strongly favour the ability to purchase renewable energy outside their power company (75 percent).

A majority of Republicans (58 percent) and conservatives (54 percent) say clean energy initiatives are important to Alabama’s economy. 69 percent of all Alabama voters share this view.

“We have seen a growing level of support for clean energy policy throughout the Southeast, especially among conservatives” said Mark Fleming, president and CEO of CCE. “As more Alabamians anticipate a clean energy future, we look forward to working with state leaders to ensure this transition prioritises conservative principles.”

The online statewide survey polled 600 likely voters and was conducted by Public Opinion Strategies from August 24-September 2, 2021.

For additional information:

Conservatives for Clean Energy (CCE)

Conservatives for a Clean Energy Future (CCEF)

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