
Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs seeks senior renewables advisor to China

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark is looking to recruit a Senior Adviser (N1) for its Renewable Energy Development Programme. The move is part of Denmark’s objective to develop commercial partnerships between China and Denmark. Given its rich heritage in wind power, this renewable energy source will be at the top of the new recruit’s agenda.

Denmark has been supporting the renewable energy sector in China since 2006 through the Wind Energy Development Programme (WED), implemented in cooperation with the National Energy Administration (NEA) – formerly through the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). The WED programme ended in August 2010.

The Renewable Energy Programme (RED) 2009-2013 has been developed in close cooperation between the NEA, the Energy Research Institute (ERI) and Danida. It was approved by the Standing Committee for Finance of the Danish Parliament on 20 November 2008.

As requested by the Government of China, Danida wishes to recruit a new Programme Adviser to assist in the implementation of the RED programme. As International Senior Adviser (N1), the successful candidate will provide advice and expertise on international development in renewable energy to support the Chinese government’s strategic planning in this sector.

In addition, he/she will contribute to the establishment of commercial/institutional partnerships between China and Denmark. Applicants must have a Master’s Degree or above, as well as extensive experience and knowledge of renewable energy at both strategic and practical level.

The immediate objective of the Danish government is to ensure that the “Government of China’s capacity to manage the Chinese renewable energy sector is enhanced”. This includes providing support for the preparation and creation of a national renewable energy centre,development and possible implementation of sub-sector strategies for wind, biomass and solar energy, and establishment of a Renewable Energy Information and Analysis Centre to support public managers in the development of renewable energy policies, strategies, regulations etc and business managers in investment decisions.

The advisor will also help establish Danish-Chinese institutional and business partnerships that will jointly develop renewable energy technologies in China. This component will involve undertaking market analyses of potential areas for Danish-Chinese cooperation in renewable energy as well as providing grants to partnerships established between Chinese and Danish research institutions, universities and enterprises to support their joint innovative research and development efforts in the renewable energy field.

A full job description and mandatory application form are available at:



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