
Energy ministers make "promising step" on pathway towards 2050

European energy ministers gathering today in Denmark for an informal meeting supported renewables, energy efficiency and infrastructure as the core elements of Europe’s future energy system as put forward by the European Commission in its Energy Roadmap 2050.
Energy ministers make "promising step" on pathway towards 2050

“The Council took a promising step towards agreeing on a pathway towards a renewable and energy efficient sector by 2050”, commented Josche Muth, Secretary General of the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC).

The Energy Roadmap 2050, tabled by the European Commission in December 2011, identified renewables, efficiency and infrastructure as the common elements across different “decarbonisation scenarios” that are needed to be promoted in all cases – the so-called “no-regrets” options. During the press conference following the informal meeting, Energy Commissioner Oettinger and Denmark’s Energy and Climate Minister Lidegaard said that these three elements were “accepted” as the “platform for discussion” of a future energy system.

“EREC is pleased to see that Member States share the view that a high level of renewables is a prerequisite for any “decarbonisation scenario”, stated Muth. “It is now high time to endorse a post-2020 renewable energy target. Binding targets have proven to provide the necessary long-term predictability needed to attract large amounts of private capital investments into a sustainable energy future”, he continued.

EREC is calling for 45% renewable energy as a new binding target for 2030. A 2030 renewable energy target is supported by Climate Action Commissioner Hedegaard, and Energy Commissioner Oettinger called for a decision on such a target by 2014.

Moreover, in response to a public consultation earlier this year for a new Renewable Energy Strategy, a clear majority of stakeholders expressed support for a mandatory target for renewable energy post-2020.

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Colin Megson
By virtue of breeder reactor deployment nuclear energy is renewable energy and virtually carbon-free. Inexhaustible uranium and thorium fuels will supply ALL of the energy for every person on the planet, at developed nation standards, until the end of time - or at least for the 5 billion years the Sun has left. In the UK, the door to breeder reactor deployment has cracked open with the Memorandum of Understanding between the NNL and GE Hitachi, regarding the use of PRISM reactors to get rid of the 'waste problem ' by 'burning' our plutonium stockpile, whilst producing 600 MW of emission-free, profitable electricity per reactor. This plutonium stockpile can produce all of the UK's carbon-free electricity requirements for at least a couple of centuries, without digging anything else out of the ground. A Government and a DECC, with a grain of common sense amongst all of those Ministers, would be looking seriously at all of the UK's new nuclear being supplied by inherently safe breeder reactors, based on the 30 years of operation of the EBR-II. This reactor shut itself down, according to the laws of physics, and survived a Fukushima-type common mode failure in 1986, three weeks before Chernobyl. Now, at the time, I wonder how many European politicians mentioned this at the time? Or were they too busy with shock-horror predictions of Chernobyl's effect on the future of nuclear energy? Let's get away from the safety frailties of PWR technology and sell inherently safe breeder reactors to the electorate of all EU member countries, as the only emission-free way of keeping the lights on in industrialised countries - most EU nations want to be regarded as industrialised, don't they?
Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
El jurado de la feria ees (la gran feria europea de las baterías y los sistemas acumuladores de energía) ya ha seleccionado los productos y soluciones innovadoras que aspiran, como finalistas, al gran premio ees 2021. Independientemente de cuál o cuáles sean las candidaturas ganadoras, la sola inclusión en este exquisito grupo VIP constituye todo un éxito para las empresas. A continuación, los diez finalistas 2021 de los ees Award (ees es una de las cuatro ferias que integran el gran evento anual europeo del sector de la energía, The smarter E).