The company presents this prize, which was first held in 2011, to publically recognize those suppliers that, through their actions, have demonstrated their commitment and contribution to sustainable development and are an example to other organizations. The presentation ceremony of the 2nd edition of the Sustainable Business Prize will take place on March 20 in Madrid.
In the project presented by GE, “Ecomagination & ecoassessment center of excellence”, the jury highlighted the consistency and soundness of its sustainability and responsible commitment policies.
In “Ecomagination”, GE seeks to create value for its clients by innovating processes aimed at reducing energy and water consumption as well as CO2 emissions. This action is complemented with the “Ecoassessment” center of excellence, which comprises a technical team from GE and promotes sustainability while managing GE’s life cycle.
The other winner, Rodamientos Bulnes, submitted its “Project to implement a sustainable business strategy”, which the jury picked for the effort made in establishing a responsible business management strategy.
To adapt its business to the latest technological and organizational requirements, Rodamientos Bulnes created a route map to achieve solid internal management for every company area, while also defining the guidelines to follow to reduce its environmental impact; establish a certification process for its suppliers; and promote internal training on environmental issues (environmental management system, environmental legislation, pollution control and prevention, etc.).
The jury also awarded runners-up prizes to Kaleido, in the large company category, for launching a line of work and research entitled “Green Logistics – Logística Sostenible”; and to Comercial Eléctrica Onubense, in the SME category, for developing the “Promoting green culture” campaign among its stakeholders.
The jury in the second edition of the Focus-Abengoa Sustainable Business Prize comprised José Borrell Fontelles, vice-chairman of the Focus-Abengoa Foundation and Abengoa’s International Advisory Board, Abengoa director and chairman of the jury; Cristina García Orcoyen, managing director of the Entorno Foundation; Germán Granda, general manager of Forética; José Luis Blasco, managing partner for climate change and sustainability services at KPMG; and María Mendiluce, a director at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).
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