
IRENA’s statute ratified by 25 countries

As at 8 June 2010, twenty five countries had ratified the International Renewable Energy Agency’s (IRENA) statute. The statute will enter into force on 8 July 2010, at which time the Agency will become a fully-fledged international organisation.

Announcing the ratification, Helen Pelosse, IRENA’s Interim Director General, stated: “IRENA’s ratification truly is a record breaker – it is the fastest ever witnessed for such a process. This really demonstrates the high level of interest being shown in IRENA by the Member States”.

Headquartered in Abu Dhabi, IRENA is aiming to become the global voice for renewable energy, while promoting a swift transition towards its sustainable use. IRENA is assisting its member states in defining their renewable strategy across the fields of not only wind and solar power, but also biomass, tidal wave and geothermal energy.

To date, a total of 144 countries and the European Union have signed IRENA’s mandate, with membership being open to all United Nations’ members.

The 25 ratifying countries were: Armenia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Georgia, Germany, Iceland, India, Israel, Kenya, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Maldives, Mongolia, Montenegro, Norway, Palau, Poland, Republic of Korea, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Tonga, and the United Arab Emirates.

World Wind Energy Award for IRENA

Yesterday, the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) presented the World Wind Energy Award to IRENA’s founding Member States at the World Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, in Istanbul (Turkey).

In accepting the Award on behalf of the founding Member States, Helene Pelosse said, “It is a great honor for IRENA to be the recipient of such an award and I accept it on behalf of member states and of those who have lobbied for years to make it happen.I thank each and every one of our delegates for their contribution. They have been closely involved in all aspects of IRENA’s operations to date, and will be vital to our future direction".

Anil Kane, President of the World Wind Energy Associatio and President of the Indian Wind Energy Association, commented; “there is a tremendous boost all over the world in renewable energies. IRENA, endorsed by its Member States, will be the global voice for renewable energy".

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