
Labor Government's plans for clean energy announced by King Charles III in King's Speech

King Charles III set out Labour's program for government in the King's Speech delivered to both the House of Commons and the House of Lords this morning.
Labor Government
The King's Speech, 17th July 2024. Courtesy of Getty Images.

Among other topics, the King announced that Labor will reform the planning system, which will not just accelerate house building but also ends the previous Conservative government's de facto planning ban on onshore wind. The King also mentioned that Labor is committed to a clean energy transition, which “will lower energy bills for consumers over time” and that a Bill will be introduced to establish Great British Energy, headquartered in Scotland with the aim of helping to accelerate investment in renewable energy, particularly offshore wind.

The King said that legislation will be brought forward to “help the country achieve energy independence and unlock investment in energy infrastructure” and that a “Bill will be introduced to support sustainable aviation fuel production.”

“The Government's clean energy vision laid out in the King's Speech is ambitious but can be achieved with rapid action and huge effort” said Greg Jackson, Founder of Octopus Energy. “Accompanied by market reform it could deliver some of Europe's cheapest power and lower bills for UK households. “We look forward to working with the new Government to ensure the UK becomes a clean energy superpower, creating jobs and growth here and taking a leading role in exporting our expertise and technology.”

Vishavjeet Sodhi, Head of Air Solutions at LG Business Solutions, added that expanding investment in new and renewable domestic energy sources is a step in the right direction for sustainability and that it offers an opportunity for the UK to take more control of its energy generation while empowering growth opportunities.

“However, careful attention also needs to be paid to how energy is consumed” Mr Sodhi said. “Currently,

40 percent of UK emissions come from households. Alongside expanding renewable energy sources, there needs to be a concentrated effort to encourage the uptake of high-efficiency electric appliances like heat pumps and energy recovery ventilators to lower energy consumption and achieve carbon neutrality. Meeting net zero targets by 2050 will be a serious challenge. But by bringing all parts of the energy management system together – from production and storage to usage and conservation – the UK can tackle climate change more effectively.”

Juliet Phillips, Program Lead Energy Transition, E3G said that the election result has given the new Labor government a clear mandate to turn the UK into a green energy superpower and that new primary powers will help Labor enact its ambitious vision, and provide support for workers , communities and local authorities. “The King's Speech has kick-started a new legislative agenda on energy, renters' rights and local powers – all areas that will be crucial to put the country back on track to meet climate and fuel poverty targets” said Ms Phillips. “It is vital that the government uses new bills to support a just transition away from oil and gas, support vulnerable households to lower energy bills, and accelerate the clean power transition.”

For additional information:

The King's Speech

UK Prime Minister's Office, 10 Downing Street

Octopus Energy

LG Business Solutions


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