
New event focuses on renewables in the Caribbean

Conference organisers IBC Energy have added a new event to their roster, this time focusing on the emerging clean energy sector in the Caribbean. The Sustainable Energy in the Caribbean conference in May will hear from a number of high profile specialists in the Caribbean renewable energy sector.

Taking place on 3 and 4 May 2011 at The Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, Kingston (Jamaica), the conference will explore the Caribbean landscape for opportunities in renewable and alternative energy projects.

According to IBC Energy, the Sustainable Energy in the Caribbean conference responds to feedback from previous events and will be the company’s first, and long awaited, event to concentrate on the Caribbean region.

The two-day event will address the Caribbean energy sector’s key concerns on the changes in energy policy and legislation, how grid access can be improved for renewable power sources and how sustainable energy projects can be implemented on a large scale. The event will also give a regional review of current projects in place, as well as advise delegates on how to raise capital funds for new ventures and achieve optimal output from their energy source.

The conference’s first day will include hot topics such as ‘New developments in sustainable energy policies in the Caribbean’, ‘Securing project finance and examining development prospects of sustainable energy’, ‘Improving grid access for renewable and alternative energy projects’, and a series of round table discussions focusing on numerous directly relevant topics.

Solar and wind power in the spotlight

The second day will include topics such as ‘Minimising the cost and maximizing the efficiency of solar power’, ‘Analysing the progress of wind power in the Caribbean’, ‘Assessing the potential to diversify the Caribbean’s energy mix’ and a ’Regional update on sustainable energy projects’.

IBC Energy reveals that the conference will feature some of the most influential players in the industry including: CEO West Indies Power, the Minister of Energy and Mining Jamaica, Managing Director Ecopower Bonaire, President Caribbean Solar Energy Society, Energy Programme Manager Caribbean Community Secretariat, Minister of Natural Resources Nevis Island Administration and the Special Projects Manager Petroleum Corporation Jamaica.

A post-conference workshop entitled ‘Comparing the options for future development of sustainable projects in the Caribbean’ will also be held on 5 May. This workshop will focus on preparing, planning and selecting the best energy source to achieve financial backing and approval. Leaders at the workshop will include Michelle Chinlemn (Project Manager, Wigton Wind Farm) and David Barrett (Consultant, EnBar Consulting).

Delegates who book by 18 February will save up to £600, plus an additional 10% when quoting VIP Code: KA0114RPR.

For additional information:

Sustainable Energy in the Caribbean


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