
New series of books on renewable energy published

Earthscan has launched the Earthscan Expert Series, a major new book series providing clear, practical information for people who want to work with environmentally friendly low-carbon technologies. According to Earthscan, the series comprising specific handbooks to more general guides, “is essential reading for professionals keen to expand their skills base and take advantage of the low carbon revolution”.
New series of books on renewable energy published

The Earthscan Expert Series includes an excellent introduction to solar domestic water heating covering how the technology works, the different types of systems, types of collectors - both flat plate und evacuated tubes, types of storage tanks and other accessories, system layouts, system design and economic aspects.

Continuing the solar theme, Earthscan have also published a book for the designer and installer of off-grid solar photovoltaic systems. Covering most aspects of off-grid solar systems, including solar energy fundamentals, components (modules, controllers, inverters, batteries), design and sizing, as well as water pumping, the book provides the knowledge needed to design and install a range of off-grid systems.

The Earthscan Expert Series also covers how wood pellet heating works, different types of systems (from small living room stove systems to larger central heating systems for institutions), and how to retrofit homes for efficiency. Other books are also available on the website provided below.

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Earthscan Expert Series

Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
El jurado de la feria ees (la gran feria europea de las baterías y los sistemas acumuladores de energía) ya ha seleccionado los productos y soluciones innovadoras que aspiran, como finalistas, al gran premio ees 2021. Independientemente de cuál o cuáles sean las candidaturas ganadoras, la sola inclusión en este exquisito grupo VIP constituye todo un éxito para las empresas. A continuación, los diez finalistas 2021 de los ees Award (ees es una de las cuatro ferias que integran el gran evento anual europeo del sector de la energía, The smarter E).