Under the plan, Nicaragua will export energy to the rest of Central America through the Electric Interconnection System for Central American Countries (SIEPAC), an ongoing project with an investment of $400 million (€300 million).
Currently, the country's renewables contribute 30% to the energy mix, 5% more than three years ago.
The government's plan is for the country to have a nominal capacity of 597.7 MW of hydroelectric power by 2017, which will be spread across five hydroelectric projects of less than 30 MW (La Mora, 1.9 MW; El Sardinal, 1.2 MW; Pantasma 12.5 MW; Larreynaga, 17 MW, and El Salto, 25 MW) and three of over 30 MW (Tumarín, 220 MW, Brito, 250 MW, and Boboké, 70 MW).
Meanwhile, the following wind farms will contribute a total of 100 MW: Amayo Fase II (23 MW); Eolo Nicaragua (37 MW), and La Fe de la empresa Blue Power (40 MW).
The four geothermal projects, also totalling 100 MW, will be El Hoyo-Monte Galan (20 MW); Managua Chiltepe (20 MW); volcán Casita-San Cristóbal (30 MW); and volcán Telica-El Najo (30 MW).
For additional information:
Nicaragua Ministry of Energy and Mines