
Nicaragua aims to cover 90% of its energy mix using renewables by 2017

Nicaragua’s President, Daniel Ortega, is backing a national energy plan entitled "2010-2017 Generation Expansion Plan” which establishes ambitious targets for renewable energies in this Central American country. The plan intends to increase nominal hydroelectric capacity by 597.7 MW, geothermal capacity by 100 MW, and wind capacity by 100 MW. This would mean a 73% increase on installed capacity to date.

Under the plan, Nicaragua will export energy to the rest of Central America through the Electric Interconnection System for Central American Countries (SIEPAC), an ongoing project with an investment of $400 million (€300 million).

Currently, the country's renewables contribute 30% to the energy mix, 5% more than three years ago.

The government's plan is for the country to have a nominal capacity of 597.7 MW of hydroelectric power by 2017, which will be spread across five hydroelectric projects of less than 30 MW (La Mora, 1.9 MW; El Sardinal, 1.2 MW; Pantasma 12.5 MW; Larreynaga, 17 MW, and El Salto, 25 MW) and three of over 30 MW (Tumarín, 220 MW, Brito, 250 MW, and Boboké, 70 MW).

Meanwhile, the following wind farms will contribute a total of 100 MW: Amayo Fase II (23 MW); Eolo Nicaragua (37 MW), and La Fe de la empresa Blue Power (40 MW).

The four geothermal projects, also totalling 100 MW, will be El Hoyo-Monte Galan (20 MW); Managua Chiltepe (20 MW); volcán Casita-San Cristóbal (30 MW); and volcán Telica-El Najo (30 MW).

For additional information:

Nicaragua Ministry of Energy and Mines


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