
Qcells and Navajo Power Home Partner to Electrify Navajo Nation Homes

Qcells, a premier provider of complete clean energy solutions and a leader in US solar panel manufacturing, and Navajo Power Home (NPH), a next-generation solar service provider for off-grid homes on Navajo and Hopi lands, today announced a partnership to provide high-quality, reliable electricity to an estimated 300 homes on the Navajo Nation reservation. 
Qcells and Navajo Power Home Partner to Electrify Navajo Nation Homes
Courtesy of Qcells

Earlier this year, Qcells donated 1,000 solar panels to Navajo Power Home. Not only is this the first solar panel donation received by NPH, but this is also the first at-scale donation from a solar manufacturer to support the electrification of tribal lands. 

In addition to Qcells' donation, the US Department of Energy announced it has awarded a $5 million Fixed Energy Improvements in Rural Areas Grant to Navajo Power Home to expand its services and provide permanent, high-quality clean energy access to more rural indigenous communities on the Navajo Nation and Hopi Reservation.

Between the Qcells donation and the grant from DOE, NPH will meet its goals to power 1,000 homes by the end of 2025 and grow its team of 13, who currently make 33% more, on average, than other jobs offered across the Navajo Nation.

The Navajo Nation spans across Arizona, New Mexico and Utah with an estimated 15,000 homes still lacking access to electricity. Many homes rely on diesel generators for power which are expensive, noisy and produce harmful emissions. With Qcells' high-efficiency panels and NPH's installation and electricity services, the organizations are delivering clean energy powered electricity to families living in the Navajo Nation for the first time. 

“We are proud to be providing people living on the Navajo Nation with access to reliable, affordable power for the first time,” said Danny O'Brien, President of Corporate Affairs for Qcells. “From turning on the lights to refrigerating groceries, we are excited to work with Navajo Power Home to make this a reality in more than 300 homes in the Navajo Nation."

“Our partnership with Qcells has transformed life for off-grid residents on Navajo and Hopi Tribal lands,” said Chanse Foster, General Manager of Navajo Power Home. “Qcells' generous solar panel donation has expanded electricity access in our communities and showcases the positive impact of sustainable energy.”

The Qcells donation will allow NPH to finance the installation of service for 15-20 additional homes, allowing NPH's current resources to go further. So far, NPH has installed 600kWp of solar to support 250 homes, providing 900 people with electricity access for the first time. 

The monthly cost to NPH's customers ranges from $80-$240 a month, depending on the energy needs of each house. This is more affordable than the diesel generators that only run five hours a day, five days a week at about $200-$400 a month. Overall, customers currently relying on diesel generators can save 40% – 60% when working with NPH. They use federal funding to offer qualified customers – elderly, disabled, or single parent households – significantly reduced rates of $20-$50 a month.


Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
El jurado de la feria ees (la gran feria europea de las baterías y los sistemas acumuladores de energía) ya ha seleccionado los productos y soluciones innovadoras que aspiran, como finalistas, al gran premio ees 2021. Independientemente de cuál o cuáles sean las candidaturas ganadoras, la sola inclusión en este exquisito grupo VIP constituye todo un éxito para las empresas. A continuación, los diez finalistas 2021 de los ees Award (ees es una de las cuatro ferias que integran el gran evento anual europeo del sector de la energía, The smarter E).