The REPAP2020 consortium composed of EREC, Eufores, national RES associations, Fraunhofer ISI, the Technical University of Vienna and Becker Büttner Held has published three reports analysing in detail the NREAPs of the 27 EU Member States.
According to the consortium’s finding, member states forecast that 20.7% of final energy consumption will be met using renewable energy by 2020. However, the President of EREC, Arthouros Zervos, says that based on the NREAPs’ energy demand scenarios, 24.4% renewable energy in final energy demand is achievable.
The NREAPs expect renewables to meet 34.3% of electricity demand, 21.3% of heating and cooling and 11.3% of transport consumption, while the RES industry – based on the NREAPs’ energy demand scenarios – suggests that 42.3% of electricity consumption, 23.5% of heating and cooling and 12.2% of transport consumption is attainable.
“The reports show that some NREAPs present very positive initiatives with new measures in the electricity or the heating and cooling sectors. However, they also underline that some NREAPs are not ambitious enough to meet the targets. One cannot emphasise enough the importance of introducing stable and reliable national support schemes to provide investment security over the next 10 years to the RES industry,” comments Zervos.
“The acceleration of administrative procedures and infrastructure developments should receive substantially more attention in the NREAPs as well as the strengthening of support schemes particularly in the renewable heating sector,” states Mario Ragwitz, Head of Business Unit, Renewable Energies at the Fraunhofer ISI, from the study conducted on the NREAPs. “We support the European Commission in its endeavor to swiftly call on Member States to fulfill their obligations” concludes Doerte Fouquet from Becker Büttner Held.
The objective of the EU funded project REPAP2020 is to facilitate the implementation at national level of the Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (2009/28/EC). The three reports published in the framework of this project are:
- “Assessment of National Renewable Energy Action Plans” by Fraunhofer ISI and the Technical University of Vienna/EEG, presenting a detailed evaluation of the National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs).
- “EU Roadmap: Mapping Renewable Energy Pathways towards 2020” conducted by EREC, comparing 2020 industry projections for renewable energy developments with the NREAP projections using the same energy demand scenario.
- A report by Becker Büttner Held presenting recommendations for national measures to be taken to meet the 2020 targets.
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