
UK showcase brings together low-carbon solution start-ups

Cleantech start-ups are gathering at the University of Bath’s Low Carbon Start-Up Fest today to present to potential investors, partners, and fellow entrepreneurs with their products and solutions..

Simon Bond, Director of University of Bath’s Innovation Centre which is responsible for the event, said: “The challenge of climate change has unleashed a wave of high-growth potential technology start-ups looking to address new ways of generating sustainable energy and exploit better ways to make energy go further. The Low Carbon Start-Up Fest is an exciting opportunity to showcase ventures from this sector each looking to raise between £250 thousand and £5 million in the next 12 months.”

The start-ups presenting their wares today include Adinfa, developers of the InSite suite of software which enables data centre owners, operators and managers to cut costs, cut carbon emissions and optimise efficiencies by monitoring and managing the power consumed by their data centres.

Carbon Voyage, meanwhile, will be presenting its a unified web application that allows users to compare transport options (cost and environmental impact), book their travel and manage their financial and environmental costs through the one portal. The application will also optimise the use of transport assets by finding opportunities to fill empty journeys, share trips and help customers move onto low carbon transport alternatives.

Photovoltaic and biogas solutions

New Earth Energy is targeting the production of syngas from waste-derived feedstocks with high biomass content using emerging Advanced Thermal Conversion technologies. The associated production of renewable electricity will use proven spark ignition reciprocating engine technology. New Earth Energy will benefit from the production of a ‘ready to use’ feedstock produced by sister company New Earth Solutions from locally sourced waste streams using mechanical biological treatment technologies developed and operated by New Earth Solutions.

Potential investors will also be able to examine TwentyNinety’s Photovoltaic Balance of Systems Technology: a low cost wireless technology which offers improved performance and increased safety for arrays of photovoltaic modules. The company's hardware and software solution provides module level control, offering unique management, control and safety benefits for the manufacturer, the installer and the end user.

Meanwhile, Xsilon will be showcasing its novel powerline technology aimed specifically at Home Energy Management and Zenex will present its technology which centres on improving the design of heating systems using gas boilers with the objective of reducing carbon dioxide emissions, gas usage, water consumption and users' gas bills.

The Low Carbon South West network has been established by the University of Bath to build an active community in this sector and establish impactful links between companies and universities. Low Carbon South West makes it easier for companies, entrepreneurs, investors and researchers to meet and exchange ideas and opportunities.

For additional information:

Low Carbon South West


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