

Vaisala expands its Indian operations to meet rising renewable energy demand

A subsidiary of measurement company Vaisala has announced a significant investment in its personnel in response to steadily growing demand from the Indian wind and solar sectors. 
Vaisala expands its Indian operations to meet rising renewable energy demand

3TIER India claims it will have doubled the capacity of its renewable energy and measurement team in just 12 months and has relocated to a new and larger headquarters in Bangalore in order to support the expansion. The investment will enable Vaisala to increase its regional sales and production capabilities, further enhancing its end-to-end resource risk management services for Indian renewable energy developers, operators and investors.

Vaisala is a provider of weather data, energy due diligence services, measurement equipment and operational services and has worked on over 50 GW of wind and solar projects to date in India as the market continues to develop.

“The Indian solar and wind sectors are growing more competitive day by day, which in turn is underlining the value of the services we bring to the market” said Rajni Umakanthan, Managing Director of 3TIER India, who recently hosted the Bangalore office inauguration this week on Thursday, August 31. “Expanding the capacity and capability of our Bangalore office will ensure that we continue to meet the demands of stakeholders throughout the value chain for reliable data and analysis.”

India has installed more than 5 GW each of new solar PV and wind energy capacity in the past financial year. It expects to install more than 10 GW of solar and 6 GW of wind annually over the next 5 years, to meet the federal target of 175 GW of renewables by 2022.

As the country transitions to an auction based system, the requirement for bidders to have reliable and accurate information is more acute. To bid with confidence in a competitive market, developers must know the amount of energy their assets will produce.

The growth in capacity and market competition is driving demand for a full range of independent resource analysis services that not only facilitate efficient and reliable site prospecting and development, but also enable the industry to surmount operational and grid integration challenges. In addition to its due diligence and bankable Net Energy Production (NEP) reports for project developers, Vaisala is supplying a growing number of project operators with highly accurate short-term generation forecasts and performance optimisation services.

Vaisala has developed long-term relationships with all of India's most prominent wind turbine manufacturers and independent power producers. In-depth understanding of weather science coupled with unique computing technology, enables the delivery of precise assessments of net energy generation values for wind or solar sites. Increasingly, the Indian renewable energy industry has also taken advantage of Vaisala's measurement equipment offering, including the Triton Wind Profiler remote sensing unit, a ground-based, mobile device that supplies accurate wind measurements throughout site prospecting, development and operations.

Image: Vaisala's Triton Wind Profiler

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