
Welsh Government awards up to £10 million of grant funding for community energy projects

The Welsh Government has awarded up to £10 million of grant funding to 32 community green energy projects across Wales after a highly competitive application process to be delivered over the coming months.
Welsh Government awards up to £10 million of grant funding for community energy projects
Courtesy of NREL.

The projects include the deployment of everything from solar panels and heat pumps to battery storage and electric vehicle charging points. They will help to smarten up the use of energy across a wide range of organisations including: schools, leisure centres, care homes, business parks, community centres, and activity centres.

The funding forms part of the vision of Welsh Government’s Ynni Cymru programme, set up to support and realise the enormous benefits of locally owned renewable energy generation and Smart Local Energy Systems.

“The wide-ranging benefits of smarter, greener energy generation and networks is clear – and we are committed to delivering that on every scale” said Rebecca Evans, Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Planning. “Whilst ground-breaking technology and the development of national infrastructure continues apace across strategic sites in Wales, it’s equally important that we continue to support the growth of smarter, locally driven innovative projects. There was a huge amount of interest in this support, which goes to show the enormous appetite for clean, smarter energy systems keeping benefits within our communities and reducing the need for large scale infrastructure. I’m delighted to be able to support so many quality projects which will each have a positive impact on the many who use them. I look forward to seeing Ynni Cymru continuing to support a range of local services and facilities whilst contributing to our low carbon commitments.”

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Welsh Government

Baterías con premio en la gran feria europea del almacenamiento de energía
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