As a result, by April of 2009, the total was 12.97%, with hydropower accounting for 8.73% and other renewables such as solar and wind contributing on average 4.24% of all electricity across all states. Higher wind generation totals in just four states (Texas, Iowa, New York, and Indiana) also accounted for 62.2%of the national increase in wind powered generation.
In contrast, coal is losing ground. The percentage of electricity from fossil power fell by 20,551 thousand MW-hours (13.9%) from April 2008 to April 2009. Declines in seven states accounted for 52.3% of the national decrease in coal-fired generation.
To cover the drop in electricity produced using coal, generation from conventional hydroelectric sources has risen by 3,918 thousand MW-hours, or 18.4 % between April 2008 and April 2009. Meanwhile, net generation from wind sources has shot up dramatically by 34.8% from April 2008.
Interestingly, energy efficiency or conservation also appears to have increased, although the impact of the global recession on energy demand must not be overlooked. Net electricity generation dropped by 5.0% from April 2008 to April 2009; the ninth consecutive month that net generation was down compared to the same calendar month in the prior year.
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