

Abastible signs lon-term renewable energy PPA with Zelestra in Chile

Chilean company Abastible has signed a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) with global multi-technology renewable energy company Zelestra for the sale of electricity from 100 percent renewable sources.
Abastible signs lon-term renewable energy PPA with Zelestra in Chile
Courtesy of Abastible.

The multi-technology solution utilises a 220 MWdc solar PV plant and a 1 GWh battery energy storage system. The hybrid plant, which has already started construction, will generate approximately 600 GWh of renewable electricity per year, equivalent to the annual consumption of 200,000 Chilean households, contributing significantly to the country's decarbonisation.

The agreement supports Abastible's strategy to advance its commitment to sustainability and guarantees a night-time supply of renewable energy that will allow it to expand its carbon-free energy portfolio.

“This contract with Abastible is a clear example of how Zelestra creates customised energy solutions to support our customers with carbon-free renewable energy” said José Luis García, CEO of Zelestra Latam. “We are proud to partner with Abastible, by providing clean and sustainable energy that allows them to advance product development in pursuit of sustainability and emissions reduction for their customers.”

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