The Desert Knowledge Australia Solar Centre is based in one of the world’s best solar irradiation outputs areas and boasts installations from a representative sample of the most significant commercialised solar technologies. The DKASC’s objective is to be a demonstration facility for mature commercialised technologies, with a charter in general education and the promotion of solar generation.
The ADES tracker was selected for inclusion in the last phase of a technology installation purchase after local Australian renewables engineering firm, eco-Kinetics, responded to an open expression of interest (EOI) process with a proposal to install an ADES tracker.
An eco-Kinetics engineer travelled to ADES’s facilities in Sarragossa (Spain) to train as an ADES tracker expert, before returning to Australia to manage its arrival in Adelaide harbour, transportation to Alice Springs, and subsequent installation and connection to the demonstration program. Any after-sales intervention in the future will also be provided by this expert.
The Australian government has committed to install 1GWp of solar farms under their Solar Flagship program, of which at least 50% are set to be photovoltaic systems.
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