"I think solar energy is travelling down the same path as wind. In short, technological developments will boost solar power’s competitiveness allowing it to bid in tenders at the same level as other energy sources," he said during a recent event that also involved other specialists in the field of energy.
In turn, the President of Brazil’s Alternative Energy and Environment Association (Abeama), Ruberval Baldini, said he was optimistic that the solar sector would grow in Brazil. "Photovoltaics is already a thing of today. If it does not form part of the electricity system in 2012, it may well do in 2013," he said.
Professor and researcher at the Universidad del Salvador (Unifacs), Osvaldo Soliano, meanwhile, defended holding auctions to promote the growth of solar power, and supported the use of photovoltaic panels on homes and factories to ramp up distributed generation. "It one way, but alone is not enough."
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